We are excited to showcase and make visible the important work of midwives in caring for babies, women and their families. To support the work of the All-Ireland Midwifery Network, including our promotional, digital resources and our research projects for example “Proud to be a midwife”, we kindly request your permission to use the photos/image – Please complete this form.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please ensure the photo is either in png or jpg format for successful upload.
By signing this form, I confirm that:
1. I give permission for the All-Ireland Midwifery Network (AIMN) to use the above- described/numbered photos on their website, social media platforms, research publications, and promotional materials.
2. I understand that the photos may be adapted (but not altered) for use in these contexts, while maintaining respect for the individuals depicted.
3. I confirm that no identifiable places are within the image shared
4. I confirm that I am the individual in the photograph, or I have the necessary authority to grant permission on behalf of the individuals in the photograph.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding this consent form, please reach out to: All-Ireland Midwifery Network (AIMN) Email: allirelandmidwiferynetwork@gmail.com. Thank you.