The All-Ireland Midwifery Network (AIMN) Research Projects showcase our network’s research initiative that are helping to shape the future of midwifery care across Ireland.
Current Research
Proud to Be a Midwife
We are excited to highlight our ongoing “Proud to Be a Midwife” research project. This initiative explores the experiences, challenges, and motivations of midwives across Ireland, with the goal of strengthening professional identity and promoting the vital role of midwives. The research aim is to develop and evaluate a digital communication campaign from, and for midwives and midwifery students in Northern Ireland and Ireland of meaningful midwifery moments which make them ‘Proud to be’ a midwife.
Output from this research will be published here in due course.
Hong Kong 28 – 30 October 2024
International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference 2024
Julika Hudson gave a fantastic presentation on ‘Designing a digital communication campaign to promote Midwives and Midwifery in Northern Ireland and Ireland.